Browsing Dissertations, Theses, and Projects by Title
Now showing items 1735-1754 of 1759
When Does Personhood Begin?
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-11-28)Chapter 1 introduces the main research question to be answered: when does personhood begin? The chapter outlines the context of the debate, explains the importance of this issue and its relevance to Christian life, and ... -
"When the wind blows cold": the spirituality of suffering and depression in the life and ministry of Charles Spurgeon
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-01-12)ABSTRACT “WHEN THE WIND BLOWS COLD”: THE SPIRITUALITY OF SUFFERING AND DEPRESSION IN THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF CHARLES SPURGEON William Brian Albert, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015 Chair: Dr. ... -
"When Will These Things Be?" Understanding Biblical Eschatology in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24-25
(2018-09-28)This project is a biblical-theological treatment of Matthew's record of the Olivet Discourse, the most extensive teaching from Jesus regarding his own second coming. Jesus answers his disciples' questions about the destruction ... -
Who is a God Like You? Micah's Message of Yahweh's Justice and Mercy for McCarthy Baptist Church of St. Joseph, Missouri
(2018-09-28)This project offers a chapter-by-chapter exposition of the prophet Micah with a view to biblical theology. Chapter 1 seeks to define biblical theology and how it will help in understanding Micah. The first chapter also ... -
Who Says That God Loves the World? A Historical Argument to Identify the Ambiguous Speakers in John 3
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2020-12-01)This dissertation examines and catalogues the history of interpretation of the ambiguous speakers in John 3:16-21 and 3:31-36. The history of interpretation leads to the conclusion that the passages are best understood ... -
Will Not Return Void: The Use of Scripture in Evangelistic Writings in the Greek Patristic Tradition
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2018-11-28)ABSTRACT WILL NOT RETURN VOID: THE USE OF SCRIPTURE IN EVANGELISTIC WRITINGS IN THE GREEK PATRISTIC TRADITION John Allen Dearing III, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018 Chair: Dr. Timothy ... -
William T. Brantly (1787-1845): A Southern unionist and the breakup of the Triennial Convention
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005-06-28)This dissertation seeks to answer the question, what light does the ministry of William T. Brantly shed for understanding the breakup of the Triennial Convention? The dissertation argues that Brantly's longtime mission of ... -
"Win the City, Win the World": The Urban Missiology of Roger S. Greenway
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013-12-30)This dissertation examines the urban missiology of Roger S. Greenway. The thesis is the urban missiology of Greenway should inform the ministries of urban missiologists today. This dissertation answers four questions: How ... -
Wingfield Scott Watson and His Struggle to Preserve the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite) After the Death of Its Founder
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2021-09-25)Wingfield S. Watson (1828–1922) was a fiercely loyal apologist for the Mormon prophet James J. Strang, a successor to Joseph Smith. In the aftermath of the succession crisis that followed Smith’s unexpected death, Strang ... -
Wisdom As Divine Discourse: An Exegetical-Theological Study of the Book of Proverbs
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-11-27)While scholars typically conceive of wisdom in Proverbs as lacking in appeal to divine revelation, this dissertation argues that the book of Proverbs intends for readers to take wisdom’s instructions as a divine discourse ... -
Wisdom, Eloquence, and Academic Rigor in ACCS Schools: A Mixed Methods Study
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Missions and Evangelism, 2019-11-27)This study explored the relationship between the Christian liberal arts and sciences curriculum and academic rigor among classical Christian schools. It used convergent data-transformation methods to analyze publicly ... -
Witnessing with the Holy Spirit: Pneumatology and missiology in evangelistic theory
(2007-08-15)This dissertation demonstrates that a biblical theology of the Holy Spirit's work in evangelism, when integrated with soteriological and missiological insights, provides the basis for evangelistic communication that depends ... -
Women and the Gospel in Luke-Acts
(The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1954) -
Wonderful Counselor: How a Clearer Understanding of the Humanity of Christ Helps Believers Draw Near to Their Savior
(School of Missions and Evangelism, 2018-11-29)This thesis argues that a key resource in sanctification is meditation on the glory of the Lord. Believers need a balanced view of Jesus’ glory in his humanity and in his deity. Nevertheless, many believers tend to focus ... -
Word and spirit in doctrinal formation
(2006-11-09)This dissertation examines current models in evangelical theological method regarding the relationship the Holy Spirit has with the written biblical text and the reader as it pertains to interpretation and, in particular, ... -
Word and Spirit in Francis Turretin and Jean Claude
(Southern Baptist Theological SeminarySchool of Theology, 2021-12-01)This dissertation examines the doctrine of the Word and the Spirit in the theology of two important Reformed pastors and theologians of the seventeenth century Francis Turretin (1623–1687) and Jean Claude (1619–1687), who ... -
Working for the Glory of God: The Distinction Between Greed and Self-Interest in the Life and Letters of the Apostle Paul
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2015-06-18)This dissertation demonstrates that the Pauline corpus is sufficient to discern a distinction between self-interest and greed. The review of literature in chapter 1 reveals that definitions of greed often rely on such terms ... -
The world in His hands: a Christian account of scientific law and its antithetical competitors
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-10-27)This dissertation examines the Christian doctrine of divine providence and its implications for the laws of nature and problem of induction before contrasting secular and Islamic approaches to these same topics. Chapter ... -
A Worldview Analysis of Sam Harris' Philosophical Naturalism in The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016-12-23)The atheistic worldview has, ironically, experienced a sort of “re-birth” in modern times. The “New Atheists,” of which Sam Harris is a prominent spokesperson, have made no secret of their desire to make converts to their ... -
Worldview Preaching in the Church: The Preaching Ministries of J. Gresham Machen and Timothy J. Keller
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012-12-14)ABSTRACT WORLDVIEW PREACHING IN THE CHURCH: THE PREACHING MINISTRIES OF J. GRESHAM MACHAN AND TIMOTHY J. KELLER Michael Raymond Galdamez, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012 Chair: Dr. ...